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The early 70's saw Ross combining a career in Electrical Engineering with further study in the totally different field of homeopathy, gaining a diploma in 1973.  This proved a valuable mix of disciplines as logic aided in the development of electronic techniques to improve the solving of animal and human health.


Over the past 44 years using bio-electrical testing with computer analysis, Ross has established outstanding results in general health treatments specializing in chronic illness.


Driven by the philosophy that nothing basically is incurable, (but simply not all answers are yet discovered).  The challenge to achieve greater results and speed of the healing  process remains the philosophy of the clinic.



With the introduction of powerful new software and computing systems, expansion of manufacturing and testing facilities, the Ross Martin Clinic is moving towards 2020 where a dedicated hardware/software package is to deal with bio-chemical, environmental and viral toxins in both humans and animals.


Current research is underway to break new boundaries of speed and analysis and depth of both cause and effect, utilizing new techniques both in hardware on board chips and software algorithms associated with these.


The clinics technical research department is using tuned laser systems to provide greater accuracy and speed of analysis as it moves towards setting goals in increasingly complex environmental situations world wide.


Bridging the gap between quantinised remote systems and advancing cloud technology with passive non or semi-invasive data entry will help to strengthen and blend diverse analytical processes currently available.


The clinic looks forward to building solid future partnerships with similar companies in the future.








We specialise in treating and testing and all types of animals including thoroughbred racing stock, livestock, poultry and family pets through Hair Analysis.


A hair analysis can explain many things such as:


 - presence of toxic metals

 - inflammation

 - nutritional deficiencies and excesses

 - organ, gland and tissue function

 - thyroid and adrenals

 - blood sugar

 - diseases

 - vitamins and minerals

 - poisons

 - moulds and fungi










 -  Simply choose a small sample of your animal's hair/fur, enough hair/fur to cover a 20 cent piece. 

 -  Place the hair/fur sample in an envelope or zip lock bag.

 -  Print off and fill in the PDF information form below and enclose with your hair/fur sample.

 -  Please give as much information and detail on the symptoms that your animal may be experiencing,

     along with your personal details and address so we can post the prescription homeopathic drops and report to         you.

 -  Once we receive your sample it can take up to 10 days to process.

 -  We will post your report along with the homeopathic prescription drops for your animal to the address you               provide on the information sheet once testing is completed.

 -  All information on directions in administering your remedies will be given to make it an 

     easy step process.










These Products are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any diseases and have not been evaluated by the FDA, TGA or NRA.

Supported by the Ross Martin Clinic 

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